Sum amount last 6 month prior to the date of transaction
Here is one option using data.table
setkey(df, to, date)
# Unique combination of from and date
af <- df[, unique(.SD), .SDcols = c("from", "date")]
# For each combination check sum of incoming in the last 6 months
for (i in 1:nrow(af)) {
af, i = i, j = "am6m",
value = df[(date) %between% (af$date[[i]] - c(180, 0)) & to == af$from[[i]], sum(amount)]
# Join the results into the main data.frame
df[, am6m := af[.SD, on = .(from, date), am6m]]
> tail(df)
# id from to date amount am6m
# 1: 18529 5370 9356 2005-05-31 24.4 0.0
# 2: 258484 5370 9499 2008-01-09 720.0 74543.5
# 3: 251611 5370 9533 2007-12-31 14.6 46143.5
# 4: 83324 5370 9676 2006-08-31 261.1 40203.8
# 5: 203763 5370 9689 2007-08-31 14.6 92353.1
# 6: 103444 5370 9772 2006-11-08 16927.0 82671.2
This is simply a non-equi join in data.table. You can create a variable of date - 180
and limit the join between the current date and that variable. This should be fairly quick
setDT(dt)[, date_minus_180 := date - 180]
dt[, amnt_6_m := .SD[dt, sum(amount, na.rm = TRUE),
on = .(to = from, date <= date, date >= date_minus_180), by = .EACHI]$V1]
head(dt, 10)
# id from to date amount date_minus_180 amnt_6_m
# 1: 18529 5370 9356 2005-05-31 24.4 2004-12-02 0.0
# 2: 13742 5370 5605 2005-08-05 7618.0 2005-02-06 0.0
# 3: 9913 5370 8567 2005-09-12 21971.0 2005-03-16 0.0
# 4: 956 8605 5370 2005-10-05 5245.0 2005-04-08 0.0
# 5: 2557 5370 5636 2005-11-12 2921.0 2005-05-16 5245.0
# 6: 1602 6390 5370 2005-11-26 8000.0 2005-05-30 0.0
# 7: 18669 5370 8933 2005-11-30 169.2 2005-06-03 13245.0
# 8: 35900 5370 8483 2006-01-31 71.5 2005-08-04 13245.0
# 9: 48667 8934 5370 2006-03-31 14.6 2005-10-02 0.0
# 10: 51341 5370 7626 2006-04-11 4214.0 2005-10-13 8014.6