Super key not working in Ubuntu 20.04

I have the same issue but only when I select languages: Spanish, Italian, Russian. On English and French it works perfectly (which are in 1st and 4th position). As a workaround I put the two languages I use the most in 1st and 4th position, and for the rest I use ALT + F1 , that works in the same way... Hope the information helps.

It seems to be a gnome bug affecting multiple distros. Here's the thread in gitlab

super no longer opens overview (with dvorak keyboard layout)

This all happens under X11. Temporary solution is to change to Wayland if possible or change the most used keyboard layout to first position.

The developers are aware of the issue and it may be patched soon.

EDIT: As of today, Ubuntu 20.04 is upgraded from Gnome 3.36.1 to 3.36.2 and a updated system should no longer have this issue.

  1. Just run

    sudo apt update
  2. Then run

    sudo apt upgrade

    Now gnome-shell --version should show:

    GNOME Shell 3.36.2
  3. Reboot system to apply changes: run sudo reboot or reboot manually.

So I managed to find a temporary fix for my problem. See I updated from Ubuntu 18.04, so not sure if this will help anyone updating from like 16.04, 17.04, 19.04 etc. Anyways the reason why I was having trouble with this is the fact that I have 2 keyboard layouts. I use an American and British layout. I am from the UK and always use the £ in everyday use. See, I have to switch layouts to use £ but then I forget to switch back to the original default layout, in this case, the American layout. At which point the super key stops working. I then try to get it to work for like 30 minutes to then only realise that oh wait I'm on not on the US layout. So I now use the English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)