"super star" or find the word under the cursor equivalent in emacs
Here is a start:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-*") (lambda () (interactive) (re-search-forward (format "\\b%s\\b" (thing-at-point 'word)))))
Try C-sC-w
As pointed out by paldepind, isearch-forward-symbol-at-point
(M-s., by default) is a close equivalent to * in Vim. This function is available starting in GNU Emacs 24.4; if your Emacs is different or older, read on for alternatives.
Usually I just do (M-b ...) C-s C-w ... C-s. That is:
- M-b to move to beginning of word(s) of interest
- zero or more of these
- C-s to start an I-Search
- C-w to yank the word(s) starting at point
- one or more of these
- C-s to find the next match
- more C-s to find later matches
- RET to exit the I-search at the most recent match
- or a bunch of C-g to abort back to the original starting location
Here is a go at integrating it into I-Search (invoked via C-s and C-r; use C-h k C-s for info on isearch
(require "thingatpt")
(require "isearch")
(define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-*")
(lambda ()
"Reset current isearch to a word-mode search of the word under point."
(setq isearch-word t
isearch-string ""
isearch-message "")
(isearch-yank-string (word-at-point))))
Integrating it into I-Search takes advantage of its word matching and case sensitivity settings (C-s M-c C-* would do a case-sensitive search on the word under point).
These days there is also Smart Scan, a lightweight add-on package that provides this functionality.
It is available from MELPA; instructions for adding MELPA to the list of enabled package-archives
are here.
To install it:
M-x package-install
RET smartscan
You can then enable it via
(global-smartscan-mode t) ;; Turn on Smart Scan globally
The default key bindings for searching forward and backward are M-n and M-p, respectively.
PS: If you are interested, the original blog post introducing this package is here.