swift - Initialize view controller from storyboard by overriding init
A class factory method is the way to go for now. Here's a protocol that you can use to quickly add makeFromStoryboard
support to all UIViewController
protocol StoryboardInstantiable {
static var storyboardName: String { get }
static var storyboardBundle: NSBundle? { get }
static var storyboardIdentifier: String? { get }
extension StoryboardInstantiable {
static var storyboardBundle: NSBundle? { return nil }
static var storyboardIdentifier: String? { return nil }
static func makeFromStoryboard() -> Self {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: storyboardName, bundle: storyboardBundle)
if let storyboardIdentifier = storyboardIdentifier {
return storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(storyboardIdentifier) as! Self
} else {
return storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! Self
extension MasterViewController: StoryboardInstantiable {
static var storyboardName: String { return "Main" }
static var storyboardIdentifier: String? { return "Master" }
In case the view controller is the initial view controller in the storyboard, you can simply ignore storyboardIdentifier
In case all the view controllers are in the same storyboard, you can also override storyboardName
under the StoryboardInstantiable
extension and return the name.
A convenience initializer must always delegate to a designated initializer for the same class, and a designated initializer must call a superclass initializer.
Since the superclass doesn't have an appropriate initializer, you would probably be better served by a class factory method:
static func instantiate() -> SearchTableViewController
return UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("SearchTableViewController") as! SearchTableViewController
then use:
var myViewController = SearchTableViewController.instantiate()