Switch condition evaluates to a constant in Swift

Well, it basically means that the switch will always evaluate to menuIsClosed. You probably meant something like this:

var currentSituation = aSituation // That would be a menuSituation (known at runtime)

// Also note that 'break' is not needed in (non-empty) match cases
switch currentSituation {
    case .menuIsOpened:
        println("Menu is opened")
    case .menuIsClosed:
         println("Menu is closed")

I had the same problem, the solution was to make the declaration globally:

import UIKit

enum menuSituation{
    case menuIsOpened
    case menuIsClosed


private var currentSituation: menuSituation = .menuIsClosed // globally declaration

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        switch currentSituation { 
        case .menuIsOpened:
            println("Menu is opened")
        case .menuIsClosed:
             println("Menu is closed")
