Syntax for conditional statements in Android XML Layout

simple syntax

android:text="@{user.gender ?? `male`}"

is equivalent to

android:text="@{user.gender != null ? user.gender : `male`}"

From Android Documentation, you have many available expressions

Mathematical + - / * %
String concatenation +
Logical && ||
Binary & | ^
Unary + - ! ~
Shift >> >>> <<
Comparison == > < >= <=
Grouping ()
Literals - character, String, numeric, null
Method calls
Field access
Array access []
Ternary operator ?:

You can also combine multiple conditions in this way

     android:text="@{sold_price == 0 ? (otherValue == 0 ? show_public_price : show_private_price) : (sold_price)}"
     android:textSize="@dimen/_12ssp" />

The correct syntax for calling a data-bind statement looks like "@{<some expression>}", and so a ternary conditional would be

"@{bool ? ifTrue : ifFalse}"

Where those two values would be the (unquoted) values of what you would normally place into the XML without data binding.

For example

android:color="@{isValid ? @color/green : @color/red}"

Or, you can import a class that has a static field that you need, for example

    <import type="android.view.View"/>


android:visibility="@{isVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}"

Both of which are shown in the data binding documentation