System specific variables in ansible

I opted to use Ansible's ability to source inventory from a directory. In this manner I could define the ansible_python_interpreter for localhost only for the local machine


localhost ansible_python_interpreter="/path/to/alternate/bin/python"

And then just use the directory as you would an inventory file.

ansible-playbook -i inventory_dir playbook.yml

Well you can set in three ways

  1. ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2 this will set it per host
  2. Set it host_vars/ ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python2" this will set it per host
  3. set it for all nodes in the file group_vars/all (you may need to create the directory group_vars and the file all) as ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python2"

Hope that helps

