Table caption align top-right

You can use the \ttabbox and \FBwidth commands from the floatrow package to get a caption with a width equal to the table width, and then perform an adjustment to the caption justification with the help of the caption package:



        № & X     & Y     & text \\ \hline
        1 & 15000 & 16000 & 0:57                  \\ \hline
        2 & 16000 & 17000 & 0:19                  \\ \hline
        3 & 17000 & 18000 & 0:10                  \\ \hline
        4 & 18000 & 19000 & 0:03                  \\ \hline
        5 & 19000 & 20000 & 0:02                  \\ \hline
        6 & 20000 & 21000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline
        7 & 60000 & 61000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline


enter image description here

The requirement for traditional \caption right/left justification implies that the table be boxed. You can do this with ctable and caption:

enter image description here

  [caption={Some caption}]% <options>
  {|l|r|r|l|}% <column spec>
  {}% <footnotes>
  {% <table>
    No & X     & Y     & Hours:Minutes \\ \hline
    1 & 15000 & 16000 & 0:57                  \\ \hline
    2 & 16000 & 17000 & 0:19                  \\ \hline
    3 & 17000 & 18000 & 0:10                  \\ \hline
    4 & 18000 & 19000 & 0:03                  \\ \hline
    5 & 19000 & 20000 & 0:02                  \\ \hline
    6 & 20000 & 21000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline
    7 & 60000 & 61000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline

Alternatively, you can use caption in combination with the threeparttable package. While threeparttable's main function is to allow for table notes, it also restricts the caption width so that it can properly be aligned.



            № & X     & Y     & Время выполнения м:сс \\ \hline
            1 & 15000 & 16000 & 0:57                  \\ \hline
            2 & 16000 & 17000 & 0:19                  \\ \hline
            3 & 17000 & 18000 & 0:10                  \\ \hline
            4 & 18000 & 19000 & 0:03                  \\ \hline
            5 & 19000 & 20000 & 0:02                  \\ \hline
            6 & 20000 & 21000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline
            7 & 60000 & 61000 & 0:01                  \\ \hline