Table cells fixed height regardless the content of the cell
I fixed it by removing padding from table cells, and adding rule height: something.
Table cells don't overflow so you need to wrap the content in a div to use overflow
Here is an example:
gf asfdg fsagfag fdsa gfdsg fdsg fds g fdg
table {
width: 30px;
border: 1px solid black;
table td > div {
overflow: hidden;
height: 15px;
Your PHP:
foreach ((array)$this->fields as $field ) {
$wrapperdiv = NHtml::el ('div');
$wrapperdiv->add(NHtml::el ('td')->class($field['name'])->setHtml(@$row[$field['name']]));
Note that I don't exactly know the syntax for the framework that you use, but I'd guess your php will look something like this.