Table improvement

I wouldn't use \multirow under any circumstance, but perhaps I can understand it in this case.

I properly segregated math and let TeX do the intercolumn space computations; if you notice, I split the PIR column into two, for better alignment.

Moreover, siunitx is used throughout to ensure consistent usage of the decimal marker. If you remove output-decimal-marker={,}, you'll get a decimal point everywhere (independently on input).








\caption{Scenario results}\label{tab4}

  *{3}{ c c l @{\extracolsep{0pt}\ } r @{\extracolsep{\fill}} }
Scenario &
\multicolumn{4}{c}{Anomaly 1} &
\multicolumn{4}{c}{Anomaly 2} &
\multicolumn{4}{c}{Anomaly 3} &
AA \\
& Detection & PSV & \mc{PIR}
& Detection & PSV & \mc{PIR}
& Detection & PSV & \mc{PIR}
& $\Delta t$ \\
%Scenario 1
\mr{1} & $\edcoh=\true$ & \mr{$s_{2}\to f_{2}\to l_{1}$} & PU1 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $\edcoh=\true$ & \mr{$s_{1}\to f_{1}\to l_{1}$} & PU1 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $\cderr=\true$ & \mr{$l_{1}$}                   & PU1 & (\num{68.8}\%) 
       & \mr{\bfseries\SI{22,6}{\hour}} \\
       & $t=\SI{57}{\hour}$   & & PU2 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $t=\SI{79}{\hour}$   & & PU2 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $t=\SI{79,6}{\hour}$ & & T1 & (\num{68.8}\%) \\
%Scenario 2
\mr{2} & $\cderr=\true$ & \mr{$l_{7}$} & PU10 & (\num{68.8}\%)
       & n/a            & \mr{n/a}     & \mc{n/a}
       & n/a            & \mr{n/a}     & \mc{n/a} & \mr{n/a}  \\

       & $t=\SI{30}{\hour}$ & & PU11 & (\num{68.8}\%) & n/a & & \mc{n/a} & n/a & & \mc{n/a} \\
%Scenario 3
\mr{3} & $\edcoh=\true$ & \mr{$s_{4}\to f_{4}\to l_{3}$} & PU4 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $\edcoh=\true$ & \mr{$s_{5}\to f_{5}\to l_{3}$} & PU4 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $\cderr=\true$ & \mr{$l_{3}$}                   & PU4 & (\num{68.8}\%)
       & \mr{\bfseries\SI{9,8}{\hour}} \\
       & $t=\SI{3,9}{\hour}$  & & PU5 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $t=\SI{11,3}{\hour}$ & & PU5 & (\num{65.6}\%)
       & $t=\SI{13,7}{\hour}$ & & PU5 & (\num{68.8}\%) \\
%Scenario 4
\mr{4} & n/a & \mr{n/a} & \mc{\mr{n/a}} 
       & n/a & \mr{n/a} & \mc{\mr{n/a}}
       & n/a & \mr{n/a} & \mc{\mr{n/a}}
       & \mr{n/a} \\
       & n/a & & & & n/a & & & & n/a \\
\multicolumn{14}{l}{PSV: Propagation on system variables; PIR: Pump impact rates;
  AA: Anomaly anticipation}



enter image description here

The temporary commands defined in the table* environment aren't only an abbreviation. If I change the definition of \mr into


the output becomes

enter image description here

which confirms my opinion that every table using \multirow can be improved by not removing it. ;-)

Here is a slightly different approach building upon siunitx for the numbers with units less \multiow commands, no nested tabulars and tabular* instead of tabularx:

enter image description here


\sisetup{output-decimal-marker = {,}}

\caption{Scenario results}\label{tab4}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{ @{\extracolsep{\fill}} c *{3}{ccl}c}
 &  \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Anomaly 1} & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Anomaly 2} & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Anomaly 3} & Anticipation\\
 Scenario & Detection & PSV & \makecell{PIR} & Detection & PSV & \makecell{PIR} & Detection & PSV & \makecell{PIR} & $\Delta t$\\
%Scenario 1
& $ed_{coh}=\text{true}$ 
& \multirow{2}{*}{$s_{2} \rightarrow f_{2} \rightarrow l_{1}$} 
& PU1 (65.6\%)
& $ed_{coh}=\text{true}$ 
& \multirow{2}{*}{$s_{1} \rightarrow f_{1}\rightarrow l_{1}$} 
& PU1 (65.6\%)
& $cd_{err}=\text{true}$ 
& \multirow{2}{*}{$l_{1}$} 
& PU1 (68.8\%)
& \multirow{2}{*}{\bfseries\SI{22,6}{\hour}} \\

& t = \SI{57}{\hour} 
& PU2 (65.6\%)
& t = \SI{79}{\hour} 
& PU2 (65.6\%)
& t = \SI{79,6}{\hour} 
& T1 (68.8\%)\\
\multicolumn{11}{l}{PSV = Propagation on system variables; PIR =  Pump impact rates}


Thanks to @leandriis feeedback I modified the table with abbreviations and it's more readable.

enter image description here