Table is specified twice, both as a target for 'UPDATE' and as a separate source for data in mysql
This is a typical MySQL thing and can usually be circumvented by selecting from the table derived, i.e. instead of
FROM manager AS m2
FROM (select * from manager) AS m2
The complete statement:
UPDATE manager
SET status = 'Y'
WHERE branch_id IN
select branch_id
FROM (select * from manager) AS m2
WHERE (branch_id, year) IN
SELECT branch_id, year
FROM branch_master
WHERE type = 'finance'
Try to use the EXISTS
UPDATE manager as m1
SET m1.status = 'Y'
FROM (SELECT m2.branch_id
FROM branch_master AS bm
JOIN manager AS m2
WHERE bm.type = 'finance' AND
bm.branch_id = m2.branch_id AND
bm.year = m2.year) AS t
WHERE t.branch_id = m1.branch_id);
Note: The query uses an additional nesting level, as proposed by @Thorsten, as a means to circumvent the Table is specified twice error.
Demo here