Table with "curly" break

Here's an attempt using PGF/TikZ:


% Command to draw a colored square


  drect/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=#1, draw},
  ndrect/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=#1}

% the nodes
\node[draw] (a) {02FE};
\node[drect=2, rectangle split horizontal,right=of a] (b) {02\nodepart{two}FE};
\node[drect=2, rectangle split horizontal,right=of b] (c) {01A0\nodepart{two}FE};
\node[drect=4,rectangle split part fill={red!60,blue!60,olive!60,magenta!60},below right=of a] (d)
\node[ndrect=4,left=0 of d] (e)

% the curly part
\draw (d.south west) -- ++(0,-0.2) -- ($(d.south west)+(0,-0.2)$) .. controls ($(d.south)+(-0.3,-0.05)$) .. ($(d.south)+(0,-0.2)$) .. controls ($(d.south)+(0.3,-0.4)$) .. ($(d.south east)+(0,-0.3)$) -- (d.south east);

% the arrows
\draw[->] (a) -- (b);
\draw[->] (b.two north) -- ++(0,0.3) -|  (c.two north);
\draw[->] ( south) -- ++(0,-0.5) -- ++(-1.5,0) |- ($(d.three)+(-0.6,0.1)$);
\draw[->] (d.three east) -| ( south);

% text nodes
\node[align=center,above= 0.5pt of a, font=\footnotesize] {logical \\address};
\node[align=center,below= 3pt of c.two,xshift=6pt, font=\footnotesize] {physical \\address};
\node[align=center,below= 13pt of d, font=\footnotesize] {Page Table};

% the legend
\node[right=of c,yshift=-1cm] {
    \Cbox{red!60} & Some description \\
    \Cbox{blue!60} & Some description \\
    \Cbox{olive!60} & Some description \\
    \Cbox{magenta!60} & Some description \\



enter image description here

The curly line was drawn using the .. controls .. feature (see Section 14.3 The Curve-To Operation of the pgfmanual). Nodes were built with the shapes.multipart library (see Section 48.6 Shapes with Multiple Text Parts of the pgfmanual).

Take a look at bytefield package, It has a lot of stuff for diagrams like yours. In particular, I'd use its \skippedwords macro instead of your curly bottom: it seems to be a more usual way to show indefinite amount of data