Team Foundation Server: How to view changeset history

you can go to the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio and right-click on your project and select View History. This will show you the list of all changesets made to that project, who made them, the date they were made and any comment added to those changesets. if you double-click on any particular changeset, you can see the files that were changed in that one changeset.

edited to add links.

In Source Control Explorer (there is a button "Find Changesets" in toolbar), or via menu: File -> Source Control -> Find -> Find Changesets. The Find Changesets dialog box appears.

You could use it to see all changesets by user or by all users, etc..

enter image description here

This can also be done via the command line.

Be advised that if you have a significant change history in that path, this process can take a long time, and (at least under TFS 2008) can eat up a lot of tempDB space on your data tier.

tf history "$/TeamProject/Path" /recursive /noprompt /format:detailed

This will dump the entire change history for a given folder, including what was included in the check-in.

