Terminal screenshot generator
Something like this? (Actually stolen from tcolorbox
manual and slightly changed ;-))
A verbatim
input environment is necessary in my point of view, so a listings
etc. style approach might be very convenient.
The tcolorbox
wrappers of listings
provide nice features to improve the look of the surroundings of a listings
Use the every listings line=
option to provide some information like hostname
or user name
etc, depending on your special terminal
listing only,listing options={language=sh},
every listing line={\textcolor{red}{\small\ttfamily\bfseries DeathStar \$> }}}
ls -al
cd /usr/lib
rm -rf *
Knitr can show not only outputs from R, but also from another engines. May be this is not the ideal approach to mimic a real screenshot, but can show the true outputs of a bash
shell typing only the commands.
\section*{Top Linux utilities:}
me@mypc$ fortune
<<engine='bash', echo=F, results="asis">>=
fortune fortunes
\subsection*{apt-get moo}
apt-get moo
cowsay "Hello, World"
<<engine='bash', background='lightcyan', comment="",echo=F>>=
cowsay "Hello, World"
listing only,listing options={style=tcblatex,language=sh},
every listing line={\textcolor{red}{\small\ttfamily\bfseries DeathStar \$> }}}
ls -al
cd /usr/lib
rm -rf *
\parbox{5.7in}{\color{white} C:\CS{}>cd \CS{}Python27 \\ C:\CS{}Python27>cd scripts \\ C:\CS{}Python27\CS{}Scripts>easy\_install pygmentize}
The solution of Christian is still included.