Terminated EC2 instances keep restarting
Solution 1:
As far as I'm aware the configuration wizard for AWS-EB configures an EC2 AutoScaling group for you automatically with a default desired running instances count of 1. That is why every time you try to terminate an instance the instance is relaunched.
I would therefore suggest removing AutoScaling group(s) and probably also load balancer configurations that you no longer need.
These steps will actually be done for you if you terminate the EB application, so there should be no need to do this manually.
Solution 2:
Got answer from Amazon Custom Service.
I've researched your account, and the instance is being launched by an active Elastic Beanstalk environment. Terminating the instance will trigger a new one to launch, as each application has by default at least one instance.
If you'd like to delete your environment, follow these instructions:
Log into the Management Console, then select the region your environment is in from the drop-down menu in the upper right of the page. Your environment is located in the US East(Ohio) region.
Navigate to the Elastic Beanstalk Console here:
- Select the environment and choose "Terminate this environment" from the "Actions" menu.
This will delete the Elastic Beanstalk environment, as well as its associated resources. If you'd like help with this, feel free to request a call from us by using the "Phone" contact option on this case.
I hope that helps, but please let me know if you have any other questions.