Testing if a Decimal is a whole number in Swift
Thanks for the comments! Here is what I am using now.
extension Decimal {
var isWholeNumber: Bool {
return self.isZero || (self.isNormal && self.exponent >= 0)
Here is a translation of the Objective-C solution in Check if NSDecimalNumber is whole number to Swift:
extension Decimal {
var isWholeNumber: Bool {
if isZero { return true }
if !isNormal { return false }
var myself = self
var rounded = Decimal()
NSDecimalRound(&rounded, &myself, 0, .plain)
return self == rounded
print(Decimal(string: "1234.0")!.isWholeNumber) // true
print(Decimal(string: "1234.5")!.isWholeNumber) // false
This works even if the mantissa is not minimal (or the exponent not maximal), such as 100 * 10-1. Example:
let z = Decimal(_exponent: -1, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1, _reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
print(z) // 10.0
print(z.exponent) // -1
print(z.isWholeNumber) // true