Testing STDIN in Ruby

Well I can't really be sure, but one problem I had (still have) when working with $stdin / $stdout / StringIO is making sure to run #rewind on them. Are you doing that?

input = StringIO.new
input.puts "joe"
input.gets #=> "joe\n"

You can simply stub STDIN:

it "takes user's name and returns it" do
  output = capture_standard_output { game.ask_for_name }
  expect(output).to eq "What shall I call you today?"
  allow(STDIN).to receive(:gets) { 'joe' }
  expect(game.ask_for_name).to eq 'Joe'

Actually, you can do the same with STDOUT, without needing to change $stdout:

it "takes user's name and returns it" do
  expect(STDOUT).to receive(:puts).with("What shall I call you today?")
  allow(STDIN).to receive(:gets) { 'joe' }
  expect(game.ask_for_name).to eq 'Joe'