The document “SceneKit Scene.scn” could not be saved

I had the same issue. Changing permissions did not work. Changing the group did not work. Exporting the scene did not work. In the end I tried the solution suggested here:

Actually, I skipped all the way to step 7 and I haven't done steps 8 and 9 yet, but this fixed the issue for me:

diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u`

Just run the above in a terminal session. Note that I am logged in as an admin user. That might make a difference.

Had the same issue with .scn files and Xcode 10. I solved it exporting the .scn file (File > Export... ) and adding it to the project again. Not a great solution but it works.

I had same problem but I manage to solve it. Now I can save .scn file no matter where project located. Before I solve problem I have to move my project under User's home directory in order to make it work.

kosua20 point out that "It seems that when creating or importing a .scn file it propagated the user/group and that caused the save to fail"

I create a project name Test under my another partition. When I open it and try to save it I got this message. You can see Test project is under BOOTCAMP while Macintosh HD has my OS and user home

  1. Open your Terminal and cd to parent folder which has your project and type "ls -l" then Enter to see your folder permission. In my case my Test project folder have group permission of admin, but the account I am using is in group of staff(I will show you later how you can check it). Now I need to change permission to staff instead of admin in order to make .scn file to save successful.

  1. Go to System Preferences -> Users&Groups Unlock it first then right click on user account you are using, it will pop up a menu "Advanced Options..." and click it

  1. In pop up window locate Group and next to it has a name in input field and the name is primary group your account is current in. In my case my account is in staff. So far I can just change staff to admin then .scn file can be save successful but I don't want to.

  1. Back to Terminal while you are in parent directory where it has your project then type "sudo chgrp -hR [group] [Project folder name]" then Enter. In my case I have to type "sudo chgrp -hR staff Test" (How command work see here: chgrp). In your case it depend on which group your account is current in and project folder name.

  1. After that command if successful type "ls -l" then Enter again to check permission of group. If it is group name you are after then you can open your project and modify .scn file and save again to see if it work. In my case .scn is now can be save without any problem.

Check your project's group permission and then check if account is in that group, if not then you can either change your account's primary group which I don't recommend or you can use chgrp command to make change to project folder in Terminal. After all this you still have problem then I have no idea.

Hope this help.


