The Holier Numbers

Lua, 317 Bytes

I had some troubles doing this, some things in Lua don't work as I think it does. I will have to try and play with them if I want to golf this down. You can test lua online by replacing arg[1] by the number of elements you want :).

function f(y)h=0(y..''):reverse():gsub(".",function(c)h=c:find("[08]")and 1+h or h end)return h end
x,a=0,{}while(#a<arg[1]+0)do a[#a+1],x=(x..''):find("^[04689]*$")and x or nil,x+1 end
for i=1,#a do m=1
for j=1,#a do x=a[m]m=(f(x)~=f(a[j])and f(x)>f(a[j])or x>a[j])and j or m
end end print(a[m])table.remove(a,m)end

Ungolfed and explanations

function f(y)                     -- function returning the enhanced holiness of a holy number
  h=0                             -- h is the cumulated holyness of processed digits
  (y..''):reverse()               -- reverse the digits in y
         :gsub(".",function(c)    -- iterate over each digits
     h=c:find("[08]")and 1+h or h -- ternary based on the digit being [08] or [469]
  return h                        -- return h

x,a=0,{}                          -- initialise a counter, and the array of holy numbers
while(#a<arg[1]+0)                -- iterate until we have n holy numbers
      :find("^[04689]*$")         -- if we can't find an unholy digit
             and x or nil         -- insert x into a
  x=x+1                           -- increment x anyway

for i=1,#a                        -- iterate n times(current size of a)
  m=1                             -- m is the index of the lowest value
  for j=1,#a                      -- iterate over a
    x=a[m]                        -- x is shorter to write than a[m]
    m=(f(x)~=f(a[j])              -- nested ternaries, translated in
        and f(x)>f(a[j])          -- nested if below
        or x>a[j])and j or m      
  print(a[m])                     -- output a[m]
  table.remove(a,m)               -- remove it from the table a

The nested ternaries used for the new value of m can be translated in nested ifs as:

if(f(a[m])~=f(a[j])) then         -- if a[m] and a[j] don't have the same holyness
  if(f(a[m])>f(a[j])) then m=j end-- compare by holyness
  if(a[m]>a[j]) then m=j end      -- else, compare by numeric value

Also, I would have loved to replace the nested for by using table.sort, but, for a reason I don't know, the following doesn't work despite not producing an infinite loop or crushing the sort function.

    return f(i)~=f(j)              
         and f(i)>f(j)          
         or i>j