The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion
Specify the maxrecursion option at the end of the query:
from EmployeeTree
option (maxrecursion 0)
That allows you to specify how often the CTE can recurse before generating an error. Maxrecursion 0 allows infinite recursion.
it is just a sample to avoid max recursion error. we have to use option (maxrecursion 365); or option (maxrecursion 0);
DECLARE @EntDt datetime;
set @STARTDATE = '01/01/2009';
set @EntDt = '12/31/2009';
declare @dcnt int;
;with DateList as
select @STARTDATE DateValue
union all
select DateValue + 1 from DateList
where DateValue + 1 < convert(VARCHAR(15),@EntDt,101)
select count(*) as DayCnt from (
select DateValue,DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DateValue ) as WEEKDAY from DateList
where DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DateValue ) not IN ( 'Saturday','Sunday' )
option (maxrecursion 365);