Drupal - The PHP version is not correctly detected
Drush doesn't use just php directly as a command, but need the full path. With the last version of Drush, you can add the following line in your .bash_profile
to set which PHP you want to use.
export DRUSH_PHP=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.14/bin/php
Here is just an example of MAMP, but you can change it as well with your own path.
Here's another solution:
Create a symbolic link to the desired version of php (php5.4 in my case) ln -s /usr/local/bin/php54 ~/bin/php
we need to change precedence of ~/bin in $PATH so that it appeared before /usr/local/bin (where original php interpreter sits) find ~/ -name .bash_profile | xargs sed -i 's/\$PATH:\$HOME/bin/\$HOME/bin:\$PATH/g'
reload .bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile
sourced from: http://webiga.com/2013/06/22/change-default-version-of-php-at-webfaction/