The system cannot find the path specified in anaconda command prompt
try executing conda init
and restart the anaconda prompt. It should initialize the conda environment again.
Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System\Advanced System Settings
then look for Environment Variables.
Your user variables should contain Path=Path\to\Anaconda3\Scripts
You need to figure where your Anaconda3 folder is (i.e. the path to this folder). Mine was in C:\Users\(User Name) \Anaconda3
You need to go to the file location of the Anaconda Prompt (Figure 1), go to "Properties" of the Prompt (Figure 2) and change the links in "target" to the correct link to miniconda (in my case, the correct links are: "%windir%\System32\cmd.exe" /K ""C:\Program Files\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat" "C:\Program Files\miniconda3"")
(1) enter image description here (2) enter image description here