The ten hundred most common words

PowerShell v3+, 105 92 bytes

param($a,$b)$x=@();-split($b-replace"[^a-zA-Z']",' ')|%{if($_-notin$a){$x+=$_}};($x,1)[!$x]

Takes simple words like $a, and words like $b. Makes helper $x. Take each word in $b and get rid of any bad not letters, then check each one |{...}. If that word is not in $a, then we add it to $x. At the end, we choose $x or 1 by not $x. That is sent out, either words or 1.

Some words to try

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> ('This returns "Hello, World!"','tHiS rEtUrNs TrUe...','Thing Explainer is a book written by a man.
The man writes books with simple words.','This set of stuff "¤!^¤>7\ must return true'|%{"$_";(.\ten-hundred-most-common-words.ps1 (gc .\ten-hundred-most-common-words.txt) $_)})-join"`n###`n"
This returns "Hello, World!"
tHiS rEtUrNs TrUe...
Thing Explainer is a book written by a man.
The man writes books with simple words.
This set of stuff "¤!^¤>7\ must return true

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> ("This code doesn't returns Hello, World!",'tHiS rEtUrN"s false...'|%{"$_`n***`n"+(.\ten-hundred-most-common-words.ps1 (gc .\ten-hundred-most-common-words.txt) $_)})-join"`n###`n"
This code doesn't returns Hello, World!
tHiS rEtUrN"s false...
s false

Python, 93 bytes

import re
lambda w,s:[w for w in re.sub("[^'\w]|\d|_",' ',w).split()if w.lower()not in s]or 1

All test cases are at ideone

Preprocessing of the list is to split on | and put it in a set (which I imagine is fine if pre-sorting is allowed). Input words as w and the set as s.

If that's not allowed this becomes 98 bytes with not in s becoming not in set(s).

We could preprocess it to have all permutations of upper and lower case characters too and save 8 bytes, but I think that might be going too far (that would be a huge set).