Thread safe singleton in swift

Swift Thread safe Singleton


[Swift barrier flag for thread safe]

You are able to implement Swift's Singleton pattern for concurrent envirompment using GCD and 3 main things:

  1. Custom concurrent queue - local queue for better performance where multiple reads can be happened at the same time
  2. sync - customQueue.sync for reading a shared resource - to have clear API without callbacks
  3. barrier flag - customQueue.async(flags: .barrier) for writing operation: wait when running operations are done -> execute write task -> proceed executing task
public class MySingleton {
    public static let shared = Singleton()
    //1. custom queue
    private let customQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.mysingleton.queue", qos: .default, attributes: .concurrent)
    //shared resource
    private var sharedResource: String = "Hello World"

    //computed property can be replaced getters/setters
    var computedProperty: String {
        get {
            //2. sync read
            return customQueue.sync {
        set {
            //3. async write
            customQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
                sharedResource = newValue
    private init() {

Thanks to @rmaddy comments which pointed me in the right direction I was able to solve the problem.

In order to make the property foo of the Singleton thread safe, it need to be modified as follows:

    class Singleton {

    static let shared = Singleton()

    private init(){}

    private let internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.singletioninternal.queue",
                                              qos: .default,
                                              attributes: .concurrent)

    private var _foo: String = "aaa"

    var foo: String {
        get {
            return internalQueue.sync {
        set (newState) {
            internalQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
                self._foo = newState

    func setup(string: String) {
        foo = string

Thread safety is accomplished by having a computed property foo which uses an internalQueue to access the "real" _foo property.

Also, in order to have better performance internalQueue is created as concurrent. And it means that it is needed to add the barrier flag when writing to the property.

What the barrier flag does is to ensure that the work item will be executed when all previously scheduled work items on the queue have finished.