Throw a RuntimeException when invoking an unstubbed method
You can set a default answer for a mock. All methods that aren't stubbed will use this default answer.
public void testUnstubbedException() {
// Create a mock with all methods throwing a RuntimeException by default
SomeClass someClass = mock( SomeClass .class, new RuntimeExceptionAnswer() );
doReturn(1).when(someClass).getId(); // Must use doReturn
int id = someClass.getId(); // Will return 1
someClass.unstubbedMethod(); // Will throw RuntimeException
public static class RuntimeExceptionAnswer implements Answer<Object> {
public Object answer( InvocationOnMock invocation ) throws Throwable {
throw new RuntimeException ( invocation.getMethod().getName() + " is not stubbed" );
Note that you cannot use when
with this functionality, since the method is called before when
(How does mockito when() invocation work?) and it will throw a RuntimeException
before the mock goes into stubbing mode.
Therefore, you must use doReturn
for this to work.
The best way to do this is with the verifyNoMoreInteractions
and ignoreStubs
static methods. Call these after the "act" part of your test; and you'll get a failure if any unstubbed methods were called but not verified.
This is described at although I believe that the code example there currently contains a misprint.