Throwing an exception from within a signal handler

Throwing out of a signal handler is probably not a good idea as the stack is not necessairly set up in the same way as for function calls thus unwinding from a signal handler may not work as expected.

Important note must be taken for any register used by the C++ ABI that are saved and re-used by the signal handling mechanism.

Signals are totally different than C++ exceptions. You can't use a C++ try/catch block to handle a signal. Specifically, signals are a POSIX concept, not a C++ language concept. Signals are delivered asynchronously to your application by the kernel, whereas C++ exceptions are synchronous events defined by the C++ standard.

You are quite limited in what you can do portably in a POSIX signal handler. A common strategy is to have a global flag of type sig_atomic_t which will be set to 1 in the signal handler, and then possibly longjmp to the appropriate execution path.

See here for help writing proper signal handlers.

This code demonstrates a technique which moves the throwing of the exception out of the signal handler into the code. My thanks to Charles for the idea.

#include <iostream>
#include <csignal>
#include <csetjmp>

using namespace std;

jmp_buf gBuffer;        // A buffer to hold info on where to jump to

void catch_signal(int signalNumber)
    //signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);          // Switch to default handling
    signal(SIGINT, catch_signal);       // Reactivate this handler.

    longjmp             // Jump back into the normal flow of the program
        gBuffer,        // using this context to say where to jump to
        signalNumber    // and passing back the value of the signal.

int test_signal()
    signal(SIGINT, catch_signal);

        int sig;
        if ((sig = setjmp(gBuffer)) == 0) 
            cout << "before raise\n";
            cout << "after raise\n";

            // This path implies that a signal was thrown, and
            // that the setjmp function returned the signal
            // which puts use at this point.

            // Now that we are out of the signal handler it is
            // normally safe to throw what ever sort of exception we want.
    catch (int &z)
        cerr << "Caught exception: " << z << endl;

    return 0;

int main()
    catch (int &z)
        cerr << "Caught unexpected exception: " << z << endl;
    return 0;

I would mask all signals in every thread, except one which would wait signals with sigwait (). This thread can handle signals without restriction, e.g. throw exceptions or use other communication mechanisms.