TikZ block diagram with multiple arrows not from centre of block
Two options; using anchors and some shifts, and using the <name>.<angle >
\node[draw,minimum size=2cm] (x) {X};
\draw[->] ([yshift=-10pt]x.west) -- node[fill=white] {a} +(-1cm,0pt);
\draw[->] ([yshift=10pt]x.west) -- node[fill=white] {b} +(-1cm,0pt);
\draw[->] (x.120) -- node[fill=white] {c} +(0pt,1cm);
\draw[->] (x.60) -- node[fill=white] {d} +(0pt,1cm);
As Claudio Fiandrino has mentioned in his comment, another option is to use the calc
library, so the shifts are not absolute, but can be calculated in terms of anchors:
\node[draw,minimum size=2cm] (x) {X};
\draw[->] ([yshift=-10pt]x.west) -- node[fill=white] {a} +(-1cm,0pt);
\draw[->] ([yshift=10pt]x.west) -- node[fill=white] {b} +(-1cm,0pt);
\draw[->] (x.120) -- node[fill=white] {c} +(0pt,1cm);
\draw[->] (x.60) -- node[fill=white] {d} +(0pt,1cm);
( $ (x.north east)!0.5!(x.east) $ ) --
node[fill=white] {e}
( $ (x.east)!0.5!(x.south east) $ ) --
node[fill=white] {f}
In the above example ( $ (x.north east)!0.5!(x.east) $ )
means the point whose coordinate is halfway between x.north east
and x.east
A PSTricks solution:
\psset{arrows = ->}
Note that the drawing is 'automated' and all you have to do is choose the values of \arrowLength
and \boxLength