Tikz - Coordinates error when using draw with axis
The coordinate system of the axis
is not the same as that of the underlying tikzpicture
, so when you add a \draw
outside the axis
you cannot expect the coordinates to correspond to those inside the axis
Instead, use
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{\N,...,0}{ % special looping defined by pgfplots
\draw [line width=0.15mm, red] (#1/\N, 0) -- (#1/\N, 10);
before \end{axis}
. (Or an ycomb
plot, as in the example below.)
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.16} % it's recommended to use an explicit version number
width=\columnwidth, % I would generally not use resizebox
%axis equal=false,
xmin=0, xmax=1,
ymin=0, ymax=10,
minor tick num=1,
axis lines = middle,
tick label style={inner sep=2pt, font=\footnotesize},
every axis plot post/.append style={thick},
\addplot [domain=0:1, color=blue] {-2*ln(x)};
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{\N,...,0}{ % special looping defined by pgfplots
\draw [line width=0.15mm, red] (#1/\N, 0) -- (#1/\N, 10);
% alternative: an ycomb plot
\addplot [line width=0.15mm, red, forget plot, ycomb, samples at={4,...,0}] (x/4,10);
Welcome to TeX.SE!
(Torbjørn T. has been a bit faster than me...)
The problem is that your \foreach
loop is run in a place where coordinates don't correspond to what you think. You can try adding:
\draw[green] (1,0) circle (1pt);
after your loop and you should understand that abscissa 1 in the TikZ xyz
coordinate system doesn't correspond to abscissa 1 for the plot.
Inside the axis
environment, however, coordinates use the axis
coordinate system starting from pgfplots
compatibility level 1.11. In older compatibility levels, one can use this coordinate system like this: (axis cs:1,0)
for point (1,0)
in the axis
coordinate system. But let's assume for simplicity of the code that we can afford compatibility level 1.11 or later (otherwise, just add two axis cs:
In order to use the axis
coordinate system to draw your vertical lines, you need to move the \foreach
loop inside the axis
environment. This brings a new difficulty, as things inside that environment are often expanded late: see \foreach
not behaving in axis
environment. Fortunately, both solutions given there work fine. With the simpler solution, the full example becomes:
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.11}% or later
[ grid,
%axis equal=false,
xmin=0, xmax=1,
ymin=0, ymax=10,
minor tick num=1,
axis lines = middle,
tick label style={inner sep=2pt, font=\footnotesize},
every axis plot post/.append style={thick},
samples=500 ]
\addplot [domain=0:1, color=blue] {-2*ln(x)};
% Add lines (alternatively: \def\N{4}). No semi-colon is needed in
% either case: these are not TikZ statements.
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach {\N,...,0} {
\draw[line width=0.15mm, red] (#1/\N, 0) -- (#1/\N, 10);
As said, there is a second way to write the loop:
\foreach \x in {\N,...,0} {
\edef\temp{\noexpand\draw [line width=0.15mm, red]
(\x/\N, 0) -- (\x/\N, 10);}
Both give the same outcome.