TikZ — rolling logarithmic spiral
Obviously, this could be further simplified:
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75mm, y=0.75mm, font=\scriptsize, line width=.1mm]
\begin{scope}[rotate={deg(0.5*pi) - atan(1/0.22) - deg(0.03*pi)}]
\draw [red, line cap=round, line width=0.2mm, domain=-5*pi:2*pi, variable=\t, samples=500] coordinate (o) plot [fixed point arithmetic] ({\t r}:{\k*exp(0.22*\t)}) coordinate (a);
\draw [domain=-91:0, variable=\t] plot[fixed point arithmetic] (\t, {tan(deg(1.03*pi))*\t});
\draw ({0.53*pi r}:{\p}) coordinate (b) -- ({1.53*pi r}:{\m}) coordinate (p) node [below] {$P$} node [pos=.65, right] {$R$};
\draw ({1.03*pi r}:{\q}) -- ({0.03*pi r}:{\n});
\clip[rotate={deg(0.53*pi) + atan(1/0.22)}] (20, 0) rectangle (65, 19.75);
\clip[rotate={deg(0.03*pi)}] (-20, 0) rectangle (-65, -20);
\draw ({(\q - \m)/sin(atan(0.22)}, 0) -- ({\m*cos(deg(1.53*pi))-(\m - \q)/sin(atan(0.22)}, {\m*sin(deg(1.53*pi))});
\draw ({(\p - \m)/sin(atan(0.22))}, 0) --
({\m*cos(deg(1.53*pi))+(\p - \m)/sin(atan(0.22))}, {\m*sin(deg(1.53*pi))});
\draw ({(\n - \m)/sin(atan(0.22))}, 0) -- ({\m*cos(deg(1.53*pi))+(\n - \m)/sin(atan(0.22))}, {\m*sin(deg(1.53*pi))});
\node at (-52, -17) {$s(R)$};
\fill (0, 0) circle (0.2mm);
\draw [line width=0.2mm] (a |- p) -- ++(-120,0) coordinate (b);
\pic [draw, font=\tiny, "$\gamma_0$"] {angle=o--p--b};
So, here is the code with no rotation and clipping tricks:
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm, y=1mm]
\foreach \step in {0, 0.5*pi, 1.5*pi} {
\draw[line width=0.05mm] (0, 0) --
({\k*exp(\a*(\tAngleRad+\step))*cos(deg(\tAngleRad+\step))}, {\k*exp(\a*(\tAngleRad+\step))*sin(deg(\tAngleRad+\step))});
\pgfmathsetmacro\Sx{(\k*exp(\a*\an)*sin(deg(\an)))/(tan(90-\tAngle) - tan(\tAngle+deg(\an)))}
\pgfmathsetmacro\Sy{\k*exp(\a*\an)*sin(deg(\an)) + tan(\tAngle+deg(\an))}
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.1mm, domain=\Sx:0, variable=\x] plot [fixed point arithmetic] ({\x}, {tan(90-\tAngle)*\x});
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.1mm, domain=-100:14, variable=\x] plot [fixed point arithmetic]
({\k*exp(\a*\an)*cos(\an r) + \x}, {\k*exp(\a*\an)*sin(\an r) + tan(\tAngle+(\an r))*\x});
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.2mm, domain=\startAngle:\endAngle, variable=\angle, samples=5000]
plot [fixed point arithmetic] ({\k*exp(\a*\angle)*cos(\angle r)}, {\k*exp(\a*\angle)*sin(\angle r)});
\fill[] (\Sx, \Sy) circle (0.25mm);
\draw [line cap=butt,
line width=0.05mm,
samples=100] plot [fixed point arithmetic]
({\Px + 6*cos(\angle)}, {\Py + 6*sin(\angle)});
\fill[] (\Px, \Py) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (\Px-\lOne, \Py) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (\Px-\lTwo, \Py) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (\Px-\lThree, \Py) circle (0.25mm);
\pgfmathsetmacro\xOne{(\Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lOne))/(tan(90-\tAngle) - tan(-\tAngle))}
\pgfmathsetmacro\xTwo{(\Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lTwo))/(tan(90-\tAngle) - tan(-\tAngle))}
\pgfmathsetmacro\xThree{(\Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lThree))/(tan(90-\tAngle) - tan(-\tAngle))}
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.1mm, domain=\xOne:{\Px-\lOne}, variable=\x] plot [fixed point arithmetic]
({\x}, {tan(-\tAngle)*\x + \Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lOne)});
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.1mm, domain=\xTwo:{\Px-\lTwo}, variable=\x] plot [fixed point arithmetic]
({\x}, {tan(-\tAngle)*\x + \Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lTwo)});
\draw [line cap=round, line width=0.1mm, domain=\xThree:{\Px-\lThree}, variable=\x] plot [fixed point arithmetic]
({\x}, {tan(-\tAngle)*\x + \Py - tan(-\tAngle)*(\Px-\lThree)});
\fill[] (\xOne, {tan(90-\tAngle)*\xOne}) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (\xTwo, {tan(90-\tAngle)*\xTwo}) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (\xThree, {tan(90-\tAngle)*\xThree}) circle (0.25mm);
\fill[] (0, 0) circle (0.25mm);
\node[font=\scriptsize] at ({\Px + 3.5*cos(180-0.5*\tAngle)}, {\Py + 3.5*sin(180-0.5*\tAngle)}) {$\gamma_0$};
\node[font=\scriptsize, anchor=north] at ({\Px}, {\Py}) {$P$};
\node[font=\scriptsize, anchor=north] at ({\Px}, {\Py+12}) {$R$};
\node[font=\scriptsize, anchor=north] at ({-50}, {\Py}) {$s(R)$};