tikz -- Snake like curves between straight lines

That's a standard task for the knot library.

\path (-0.5,6.5) coordinate (x1) (4.5,5) coordinate (x2) 
(-0.5,3.5) coordinate (x3) (4.5,2.5) coordinate (x4); 
\begin{knot}%[draft mode=crossings]
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle}] (0,0) -- (0,8);
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle}] (4,0) -- (4,8);
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle},looseness=0.5] (2,8) to[out=-90,in=90] (x1)
to[out=-90,in=90] (x2) to[out=-90,in=90] (x3)
to[out=-90,in=90] (x4) to[out=-90,in=90] (2,0);

enter image description here

Or with the ordering as in your picture.

\path (-0.5,6.5) coordinate (x1) (4.5,5) coordinate (x2) 
(-0.5,3.5) coordinate (x3) (4.5,2.5) coordinate (x4); 
\begin{knot}%[draft mode=crossings]
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle}] (0,0) -- (0,8);
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle}] (4,0) -- (4,8);
\strand[{Circle}-{Circle},looseness=0.5] (2,8) to[out=-90,in=90] (x1)
to[out=-90,in=90] (x2) to[out=-90,in=90] (x3)
to[out=-90,in=90] (x4) to[out=-90,in=90] (2,0);

enter image description here

To find out which crossing has which number, uncomment [draft mode=crossings].

Here's a version in plain Metapost featuring a useful idiom to find all the intersection points between two paths.

enter image description here

This is wrapped up in luamplib so compile it with lualatex (or work out how to adapt it for plain mpost).

    path s, t, a, b;
    a = (down--up) scaled 164 shifted 72 left;
    b = (down--up) scaled 164 shifted 72 right;
    t = ((-36*4, 0) for x=-35 upto 36: .. (4x, 88 sind(10x)) endfor) rotated 90 reflectedabout(up, down);
    s = point 0 of t shifted 20 down {up} .. {direction 2 of t} subpath (2,70) of t {direction 70 of t} .. point 72 of t shifted 20 up {up};

    pickup pencircle scaled 1;

    forsuffixes $=a, b, s:
        draw $;
        fill fullcircle scaled 4 shifted point 0 of $;
        fill fullcircle scaled 4 shifted point infinity of $;

    vardef over_and_under(expr a, b) = 
        save x, y, r, n, A, B, p;
        path r; numeric n; picture A, B, p;
        r := a;
        n = 0;
            r := r cutbefore b;
            exitif length cuttings = 0;
            r := subpath (epsilon, infinity) of r;
            z[incr n] = point 0 of r;
        A = image(draw a);
        B = image(draw b);
        for i=0 upto n:
            if known z[i]:
                unfill fullcircle scaled 10 shifted z[i];
                p :=  if odd i: B else: A fi;
                clip p to fullcircle scaled 10 shifted z[i];
                draw p;

    over_and_under(a, s);
    over_and_under(b, s);


Here is an attempt using the snake decoration from tikz library decorations.pathmorphing. The intersections library is used to calculate the crossovers locations. White circles are then drawn at intersection points.


\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,rotate=90,xscale=.7,dot/.style={inner sep=1.5pt,fill,circle},cut/.style={inner sep=3pt,fill=white,circle}]

\draw[name path=curve,decorate, decoration={snake, segment length=2.96cm, amplitude=-2cm}] (0,0)node[dot]{} -- (9,0)node[dot]{};
\path[name path=la](-1, 1.5) -- (10, 1.5);
\path[name path=lb](-1,-1.5) -- (10,-1.5);

\path [name intersections={of=la and curve}];
\node[cut] at(intersection-1){} (intersection-4) node[cut]{} (intersection-2) node(2)[cut,fill=none]{} (intersection-3) node(3)[cut,fill=none]{};
\draw (-1,1.5) node[dot]{} -- (2) (2) -- (3) (3) -- (10,1.5) node[dot]{};

\path [name intersections={of=lb and curve}];
\node[cut] at(intersection-2){} (intersection-3) node[cut]{} (intersection-1) node(1)[cut,fill=none]{} (intersection-4) node(4)[cut,fill=none]{};
\draw (-1,-1.5) node[dot]{} -- (1) (1) -- (4) (4) -- (10,-1.5) node[dot]{};



enter image description here