Title, abstract, and text beginning on same page
If you want to have it look like an article, you should use an article
. Like this, no hacking is needed. The command \chapter
does not exist, but \section
will give a title like "1 Chapter" anyway. If you want to get a report feeling for the next chapters (sections), you can just add a \clearpage
behind your first chapter.
In your collection, you just have to replace all \subsection
by \subsubsection
, all \section
by \subsection
and finally all \chapter
by \section
. And then change the documentclass to article
Looks like this:
% arara: pdflatex
\section{First bit}
If you want to ramp your text straight onto the title page, start the text at
something that does not cause a page break, like a section. Here's a handy
place to introduce some of your woofy conventions, like quotes in equations.
\section{New Page}
A new chapter starts a new page.
It seems that use of titling
http://www.ctan.org/pkg/titling is a way to do it
\usepackage[left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}
\posttitle{\par\end{center}\vskip 0.5em}
\author{NAME and ID}
\section*{First bit}
If you want to ramp your text straight onto the title page, start the text at
something that does not cause a page break, like a section. Here's a handy
place to introduce some of your woofy conventions, like quotes in equations.
\chapter{New Page}
A new chapter starts a new page.