tkz-euclide changing labels and size (triangle, inscribed circle)

You could use options when drawing, such as

\tkzDrawCircle[R,very thick](S,\rSN pt)

or set styles, such as by \tkzSetUpPoint and \tkzSetUpLine, which are explained in the tkz-euclide manual.

Regarding the labels, you could set their style via an option to the tikzpicture or by \tikzset, such as

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,label style/.style={font=\Large}]

By this, the picture changes to

tikz picture

Stefan'answer is correct. I would like only elaborate some methods. First you can use generally most of the tikz's options, then specific macro for an object (here points) have two versions : tkzDrawPoint,and tkzDrawPoints. If all points use the same style (this is recommended) then you can use tkzDrawPoints else you need to use the first version. Finally I prefer to draw the points at the end of the code.

With your code the result is :

   \tkzDrawCircle[R](S,\rSN pt)
   \tkzDrawPolygon[very thick](A,B,C)
   \tkzInterLC[R](A,C)(S,\rSN pt) \tkzGetFirstPoint{D}
   \tkzInterLC[R](B,C)(S,\rSN pt) \tkzGetFirstPoint{E}
   \tkzInterLL(B,S)(D,E) \tkzGetPoint{F}
   \tkzLabelPoints[above left](C,F)
   \tkzLabelPoints[below right](B)
   \tkzLabelPoints[below left](A,S)
   \tkzLabelPoints[above right](E)
   \tkzMarkAngle[size=0.4 cm](B,F,E)
   \tkzLabelAngle[pos=0.6](B,F,E){\large $x$}

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