To instantiate BiMap Of google-collections in Java
Another cool way to create a BiMap, but in this case an immutable BiMap, is using the ImmutableBiMap.Builder
static final ImmutableBiMap<String, Integer> WORD_TO_INT =
new ImmutableBiMap.Builder<String, Integer>()
.put("one", 1)
.put("two", 2)
.put("three", 3)
As stated in the linked question, you are supposed to use the create()
factory methods.
In your case, this means changing
this.wordToWordID = new BiMap<String. Integer>();
this.wordToWordID = HashBiMap.create();
BiMap is an interface, and as such cannot be instantiated. You need to instantiate a concrete subclass according to the properties you want, available subclasses (according to the javadoc) are EnumBiMap, EnumHashBiMap, HashBiMap, ImmutableBiMap.