To print all the paths in a json object

You can implement your custom converter by iterating through objects recursively.

Something like this:

var YsakON = { // YsakObjectNotation
  stringify: function(o, prefix) {          
    prefix = prefix || 'root';
    switch (typeof o)
      case 'object':
        if (Array.isArray(o))
          return prefix + '=' + JSON.stringify(o) + '\n';
        var output = ""; 
        for (var k in o)
          if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) 
            output += this.stringify(o[k], prefix + '.' + k);
        return output;
      case 'function':
        return "";
        return prefix + '=' + o + '\n';

var o = {
	a: 1,
  b: true,
  c: {
    d: [1, 2, 3]
  calc: 1+2+3,
  f: function(x) { // ignored

document.body.innerText = YsakON.stringify(o, 'o');

That's not a best converter implementation, just a fast-written example, but it should help you to understand the main principle.

Here is the working JSFiddle demo.