Too many open files on Debian
Solution 1:
If your process is started via a script, you can place the call to ulimit in the script just prior to executing the daemon.
If you wish to increase the ulimit for your user, or for all users, you can set limits that are applied via pam_limits
on login. These are set in /etc/security/limits.conf
. In your case, you could do something like:
* hard nofile 2048
Note that "hard" denotes a hard limit - one that cannot be exceeded, and cannot be altered. A soft limit can be altered by a user (e.g. someone without root capabilities), but not beyond the hard limit.
Read the limits.conf
for more information on using pam_limits
Solution 2:
There is also a "total max" of open files set in the kernel, you can check the current setting with:
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
And set a new value with:
echo "104854" > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
If you want to keep the config between reboots add
To check current max file usage:
[root@srv-4 proc]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
3391 969 52427
| | |
| | |
| | maximum open file descriptors
| total free allocated file descriptors
total allocated file descriptors
(the number of file descriptors allocated since boot)
Solution 3:
As others have said you can apply specific limits per user or group in /etc/security/limits.conf.
Note: ulimit -n shows the soft limit.
ulimit -H -n
will show you the hard limit.
This makes ulimit -a and ulimit -n output quite confusing if for example, you were raising the number of files from 1024 to 4096, as you would expect to see the hard limit output, but you're still seeing 1024 which is the soft limit.
Also, remember that these limits are enforced per login, so re-login in a new shell and check your changes , don't expect them to be propagated to existing logins.
Solution 4:
Be aware that if you run your process by start-stop-daemon setting ulimits in /etc/security/limits.conf doesn't work. If you for example want to raise open file limit for tomcat to 20000 you need to add these to lines to /etc/default/tomcat
ulimit -Hn 32768
ulimit -Sn 32768
I encountered this problem on debian 6.0.4 For other process the answers given should help.