Training feedforward neural network for OCR
Examine this example program Handwritten Digit Recognation
Program uses a Semeion Handwritten Digit Data Set with FANN library
You probably want to follow Lectures 3 and 4 at Professor Ng has solved this exact problem. He is classifying 10 digits (0...9). Some of the things that he did in the class that gets him to a 95% training accuracy are :
- Input Nueron : 400 (20x20)
- Hidden Layers : 2
- Size of hidden layers : 25
- Activation function : sigmoid
- Training method : gradient descent
- Data size : 5000
For handwritten character recognition you need
- many training examples (maybe you should create distortions of your training set)
- softmax activation function in the output layer
- cross entropy error function
- training with stochastic gradient descent
- a bias in each layer
A good test problem is the handwritten digit data set MNIST. Here are papers that successfully applied neural networks on this data set:
Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio and P. Haffner: Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition,
Dan Claudiu Ciresan, Ueli Meier, Luca Maria Gambardella, Juergen Schmidhuber: Deep Big Simple Neural Nets Excel on Handwritten Digit Recognition,
I trained an MLP with 784-200-50-10 architecture and got >96% accuracy on the test set.