Transparent colors Tkinter
Yes there is a way. Unfortunately it only works for the entire window (The window and all of the child widgets).
Here is a little demo I wrote up a while ago which does what you want, among other things.
Transparent Window Demo :
import Tkinter as Tk, re
class TransparentWin (Tk.Tk) :
''' Transparent Tk Window Class '''
def __init__ (self) :
self.Drag = Drag(self)
''' Sets focus to the window. '''
''' Removes the native window boarder. '''
''' Disables resizing of the widget. '''
self.resizable(False, False)
''' Places window above all other windows in the window stack. '''
self.wm_attributes("-topmost", True)
''' This changes the alpha value (How transparent the window should
be). It ranges from 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0
(completely opaque). '''
self.attributes("-alpha", 0.7)
''' The windows overall position on the screen '''
self.wm_geometry('+' + str(439) + '+' + str(172))
''' Changes the window's color. '''
bg = '#3e4134'
self.Frame = Tk.Frame(self, bg=bg)
''' Exits the application when the window is right clicked. '''
self.Frame.bind('<Button-3>', self.exit)
''' Changes the window's size indirectly. '''
self.Frame.configure(width=162, height=100)
def exit (self, event) :
def position (self) :
_filter = re.compile(r"(\d+)?x?(\d+)?([+-])(\d+)([+-])(\d+)")
pos = self.winfo_geometry()
filtered =
self.X = int(
self.Y = int(
return self.X, self.Y
class Drag:
''' Makes a window dragable. '''
def __init__ (self, par, dissable=None, releasecmd=None) :
self.Par = par
self.Dissable = dissable
self.ReleaseCMD = releasecmd
self.Par.bind('<Button-1>', self.relative_position)
self.Par.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.drag_unbind)
def relative_position (self, event) :
cx, cy = self.Par.winfo_pointerxy()
x, y = self.Par.position()
self.OriX = x
self.OriY = y
self.RelX = cx - x
self.RelY = cy - y
self.Par.bind('<Motion>', self.drag_wid)
def drag_wid (self, event) :
cx, cy = self.Par.winfo_pointerxy()
d = self.Dissable
if d == 'x' :
x = self.OriX
y = cy - self.RelY
elif d == 'y' :
x = cx - self.RelX
y = self.OriY
x = cx - self.RelX
y = cy - self.RelY
if x < 0 :
x = 0
if y < 0 :
y = 0
self.Par.wm_geometry('+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y))
def drag_unbind (self, event) :
if self.ReleaseCMD != None :
def dissable (self) :
def __run__ () :
if __name__ == '__main__' :