TreeView control in C#, select() and focus
You have to set the HideSelection property to false - so you'll see the selection, altough the TreeView control lost focus
I just run into this issue and this is how I addressed it: Changed the DrawMode property to TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText
and registered to DrawNode event
private void MyTreeGridview_DrawNode(object sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e)
if ((e.State == TreeNodeStates.Selected) && (!MyTreeGridview.Focused))
Font font = e.Node.NodeFont ?? e.Node.TreeView.Font;
Color fore = e.Node.ForeColor;
if (fore == Color.Empty)fore = e.Node.TreeView.ForeColor;
fore = SystemColors.HighlightText;
Color highlightColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(highlightColor), e.Bounds);
ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, fore, highlightColor);
TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.Node.Text, font, e.Bounds, fore, highlightColor, TextFormatFlags.GlyphOverhangPadding);
e.DrawDefault = true;