Trying to use 'Postman' and having trouble setting Basic access authentication Headers

Your header field should look like this:

Header : Authorization

Value : Basic base64('YourOrgName:YourAPIKEY');

You can get the base64 value of your string here:

For example, for my-org-name:123key4api it should be bXktb3JnLW5hbWU6MTIza2V5NGFwaQ==.

The complete header would look like:

Authorization: Basic bXktb3JnLW5hbWU6MTIza2V5NGFwaQ==

Looks like you are facing trouble in getting the base64 value. Well you can make use of in-built function in Javscript as below.

Simply run below code in any JS runtime, (Simplest would be - open console tab in chrome developer tool)

"username:password!" // Here I used basic Auth string format

// Encode the plain string to base64
btoa("username:password!"); // output: "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQh"

// Decode the base64 to plain string
atob("dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQh"); // output: "username:password!"

It's 2019 and with Version 6.5.3 we have a separate tab to use different kind of Authentication techniques.

For basic auth you just have to give username and password after selecting "Basic Auth" under Authentication tab

enter image description here



