TS1148 ~ How to "import" with --module: "none" and typescript 2.x

You need to export rxjs to the global namespace. There are two ways to do it, depends on the shape of rxjs.

If rxjs export only one thing, e.g. Rx.*, then you can do this:

// custom-typings/rxjs.d.ts
import * from 'rxjs'
export as namespace Rx

// tsconfig.json
  "include": [

If it export more than one thing, then you need to do global augmentation:

// custom-typings/rxjs.d.ts
import * as Rx from 'rxjs'
declare global {
  type Rx = Rx

// same change to tsconfig.json

Here are some info on global augmentation. https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html

Create a global declaration for Rx which is the type of the RxJS exports, like so:

import * as RxJS from "rxjs";

declare global {
    const Rx: typeof RxJS;

export {};

Save it to a file (e.g. global.d.ts) and then add that to the include array of tsconfig.json.