swapcase function in python code example

Example 1: swapcase

str_swapcase = "what was that about?".swapcase()

Example 2: python swap function

def swap0(s1, s2):
    assert type(s1) == list and type(s2) == list
    tmp = s1[:]
    s1[:] = s2
    s2[:] = tmp
# However, the easier and better way to do a swap in Python is simply:
s1, s2 = s2, s1

Example 3: swapping upper case and lower case string python

# swapcase() method 

string = "thE big BROWN FoX JuMPeD oVEr thE LAZY Dog"

>>> THe BIG brown fOx jUmpEd OveR THe lazy dOG