Ubuntu get PostGreSQL running
Solution 1:
You can know the status of your Postgres server via the command
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 status
To start it you can issue the command
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start
and to stop you can issue the command
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 stop
Solution 2:
First, check whether the server is running or not. The command for checking this is:
service postgresql status
it will check the status of server if you found
postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; vendor pres
Active: inactive (dead)
Then you have to restart the server by the given command and mostly this problem is coming in 9.6.1 version of PostgreSQL.
service postgresql restart
Then the PostgreSQL server will run correctly in Ubuntu terminal