UIButton targets not working if a UIView is added as a subview

Set userInteractionEnabled to NO for your subviews to let touches pass through them and onto your button.

Also make sure to change _verticle.userInteractionEnabled = NO; in your lazy-loader for your horizontal property to _horizontal.userInteractionEnabled = NO; as I believe that's a typo.

please use the code like below (replace the 'ViewControllerFilterCategory' with your own one + the nibName) to add the controller from nib (child one) as the child controller of current controller before adding the view as sub view. Then the iOS will call actions attached to the child controller as you expect:

    let vcCats = ViewControllerFilterCategory(nibName: "ViewControllerFilterCategory", bundle: Bundle.main);

P.S. don't forget to call 'removeFromParentViewController' before removing your sub view (like below):

@IBAction func onCanceled(_ sender: Any) {