Unable to connect to wifi with wpa_supplicant

I have seen such error messages before but no definite solution. Things you might want to try are:

  • Read wpa_supplicant.conf(5). The examples will give you an idea of extra network options you can experiment with. Don't forget to add double quotes for psk=.

  • Use -Dnl80211 instead. It appears that this is the driver you need.

  • Experiment with your router's network modes (B/G/N). Try setting it to different values since incompatibilities between the router and the wireless card / driver might exist.

  • Give compat-wireless a try. I have not had to use it myself in the past but I have read that it contains patches with fixes for problems like yours in the past.

I fixed it in Gentoo by shutting down the NetworkManager:

/etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop

It may conflict with wpa_supplicant when both are running.