Unable to find htdocs on xampp

Just found out that XAMPP nfs mounts on MacOS are located in following path:


I was able to find the htdocs directory. On mac,Under volume tab there is button called 'explore' from there there is the directory.enter image description here

In other to locate the right and active htdocs directory of your XAMPP for macOS Sierra, follow the three steps below;

  1. Launch your XAMPP and click on the "Start" button,
  2. Wait for the Status indicator bubble to change from the orange colour to green, then click on the "Volumes" tab (between the "Network" and "Log" tabs),
  3. Proceed to click on the "Mount", then "Explore" button;

From the resulting window, you can easily locate your htdocs folder.

More details available here.

The new version of XAMPP uses a VM for its content, you need to mount the Volume to access htdocs.

XAMPP-VM mount

More info about differences between old XAMPP and XAMPP-VM: XAMPP-VM for Mac