Unable to resolve dependency tree Reactjs
This error comes from version 7.x of npm.
Please try again with the --legacy-peer-deps
$ npm install --save react-tinder-card --legacy-peer-deps
What this error basically says is that react-tinder-card@1.3.1
in it's peer dependencies has react@"^16.8.0"
. So it needs that version of react to function properly. On your tinder-clone@0.1.0
application you currently have react@17.0.1
This problem can be solved manually by just installing version of react that react-tinder-card@1.3.1
needs which is react@"^16.8.0"
, so you need to downgrade your version to run the package.
The --legacy-peer-deps
flag was introduced with v7 of npm
as a way to bypass peerDependency auto-installation; it tells NPM to ignore peer deps and proceed with the installation anyway. This can cause some unwanted behavior and I would not suggest it.
Downgrade to npm v6. It should fix the issue.
npm install -g npm@6