Unable to start Cassandra DataStax DDC Server

Look at the logs in the installation folder. E.g. c:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\logs.

The datastax_ddc_server-stderr.xxxxx.log will give you details about what the problem is. For me the error was cdc_raw_directory is missing and -Dcassandra.storagedir is not set so i opened c:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\apache-cassandra\conf\cassandra.yaml, found the cdc_raw_directory setting and simply uncommented it.

After fixing that you also get an Error when you will try to run cassandra.bat from command line.

it will tell you that \conf\\\hotspot_compiler cannot be found

Fix: go to C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\apache-cassandra\conf

modify cassandra-env.ps1

just change CASSANDRA_CONF\conf\hotsport_compiler to CASSANDRA_HOMEconf\hotsport_compiler

WITHOUT the backslash... this is not a typo ^^

finally cassandra.bat will start and cqlshell will work.

.. then close the command window where you started cassandra.bat (as admin) press CONTROL+C

..and finally you can start the service as admin: net start DataStax_DDC_Server