Underscores or camelCase in PostgreSQL identifiers, when the programming language uses camelCase?
If your columns in the PostgreSQL
are with underscores
, you can put aliases but with doule-quotes.
Example :
SELECT my_column as "myColumn" from table;
Given that PostgreSQL uses case-insensitive identifiers with underscores, should you change all your identifiers in your application to do the same? Clearly not. So why do you think the reverse is a reasonable choice?
The convention in PostgreSQL has come about through a mix of standards compliance and long-term experience of its users. Stick with it.
If translating between column-names and identifiers gets tedious, have the computer do it - they're good at things like that. I'm guessing almost all of the 9-million database abstraction libraries out there can do that. If you have a dynamic language it'll take you all of two lines of code to swap column-names to identifiers in CamelCase.