upload_max_filesize doesn't change within Laravel 5.1

So finally I've solved it by myself might be I got downvoted for this but I don't know this worked for me even after apache2 restart that won't effect within my project but after that I've restarted my entire system and it all works fine for me. The reason might be because of the cache memory but I'm not sure about that

Try this it may work ...

Create a file named php5.ini and copy and paste the below code into it. Then save it. Then upload it. php_value won't work in an ini file. It probably doesn't work because you left php_value before each line.

file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 20M
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp/

Then save the file as php5.ini and upload it to the root of your site.