use font in mPDF generated document


Firstly, dont use website, it's closed. Use There are different codes for Version 6 and 7

Example for mPDF v6.x


1) upload MyFont.ttf into /mpdf/ttfonts
2) in /mpdf/config_fonts.php , inside $this->fontdata array, add your:

"my_custom_font" => array( 
        'R' => 'MyFont.ttf',            // Regular - REQUIRED
        'I' => "MyFont-Oblique.ttf",    // Italic  - OPTIONAL
        'B' => "MyFont-Bold.ttf",       // Bold    - OPTIONAL

3) then, wherever you execute your custom script, use my_custom_fonttt in css:


$mpdf=new mPDF();
$texttt= '
    body { font-family: "my_custom_font"; }
    <body>My SAMPLE TEXTTTTT</body>

I've solved my problem, there should be no spaces in the definition of the font, so I replaced in my css font-face declaration with "opensans" and

$this->fontdata = array(
    "opensans" => array(
    'R' => 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf'

be aware that the font type ('OpenSans-Regular.ttf') should be inside ttfonts folder of mpdf folder